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Global Girl Media Greece hosts a very special evening in Athens, October 2, 2021.
OVER TO HER is a podcast and video series produced by GGM Greece to promote the goals of the United Nation’s Gender Equality Forum. Six videos and an ongoing podcast celebrate the current #metoo movement, broken open by Olympic athlete and sailor, Sofia Bekatorou, who will be in attendance. The videos profile various feminist organizations, activists, leaders and female entrepreneurs, tackling intersectional issues of women’s and refugee rights.

GLOBAL GIRL MEDIA GREECE is a media and leadership collective of both Greek and refugee/migrant young women in Athens that utilizes media to fight for women’s rights: They are the ONLY group organizing and raising awareness in the Greek media (with translations in Farsi, Arabic and French) around gender justice issues, which is critical to the very survival of some of of their members. They use media as a tool of empowerment and are building a social enterprise to introduce more marginalized voices into the professional media landscape, resulting in real employment opportunities.

GlobalGirl from Greece gets credit in The Guardian

We are proud to announce Andriana Theochari, one of our global girl reporters from Greece worked on a photo-journalism project this summer about the devastating wildfires on the Greek island of Evia, with award-winning photojournalist Gideon Mendel. Their work garnered a huge spread in the U.K. paper, The Guardian, and has gone on to be featured in photo festivals. Stay tuned for more from Andriana! She is a rising star!


Dila and Isabella discuss what it’s like to grow up in an ethnically diverse country, the U.K., but still be facing systemic racism and prejudice from primary school to employment. Produced for the GGM UK Summer Digital Training Academy.


Growing up in 80s Soweto, Ditsie was immersed in the struggle against apartheid. But she knew racial oppression was only part of the fight – and organised the first Pride march in Africa.


GGM Los Angeles reporters investigate how the Covid-19 crisis has impacted their education, and how online classes, school administrators, students, and teachers are coping.


Profile of the incredible former CA State Senator Holly Mitchell, who recently won a seat on the L.A. County Supervisor in the November 2020 election. This is a big job: each Supervisor represents a little over 2 million people and controls the annual Los Angeles County budget. We talk about some of the groundbreaking things she has already accomplished, as well as what she wants to work on next.


For this second in the Activista Series, we talk with SUPER STAR campaign manager Lenee Richards– the woman in charge of Holly Mitchell’s campaign for LA County Supervisor. She tells us what motivates her work…and her view that being authentic & embracing who we are is the key to our power as women and as leaders.


In the second episode of our new series “Young, Woke, & Free” GGM LA reporters follow Natalie, who organized a Black Lives Matter protest in Burbank, going up against people in her own family who doubted her. “If you know what you believe in, you know what’s right, and somebody will listen, and that’s enough, to have your voice be heard…”


In the first episode of our new series “Young, Woke, & Free” GGM L.A. reporters get out into the streets and meet Black Lives Matter protestor Lila who shares what inspires and motivates her activism.


A personal, even humorous account of Atta, a child bride from Syria, who is now in Athens, separated from her husband and children, determined to realize her dream of becoming a lawyer.


This video details the life of every refugee in stark black and white: an endless line of waiting. Also features an original song sung by one of our Globalgirls, originally from Afghanistan, now living in Greece.


A searing account of one young refugee woman’s harrowing sexual assault by her smuggler, which inspired her to draw, paint, and eventually find the strength to speak out about the abuse and neglect of women on the move, even from the police and NGO’s who are supposedly there to help.


A poignant video letter from one friend to another who was lost to gun violence in Guatemala.


In a love letter to her father, Claudia tells him how much she misses him since he has left for El Norte, or the United States. Growing up without a father is not easy, especially when he has left his guitar behind…


Exciting Scholarship Opportunity for girls 14 – 19 years old! APPLY NOW for our July 2020 Digital Journalism Training SCHOLARSHIP!

Learn how to use professional cameras, audio gear, and editing software to tell the stories YOU want told. Become a GlobalGirl filmmaker and reporter!

This intensive program will be held in LA from July 13th-30th 2020. Girls who are interested should apply as soon as possible. The application link is below, and also on our IG and Facebook pages.

Deadline to apply is July 8th!

The Link to the online application is here:


Mehrin’s family immigrated from Bangladesh to the U.S. when she was ten years old. She has worked extremely hard in school, always dreaming of the day her parents would watch her walk across a graduation stage. But what happens when the Corona virus shuts down her high school during her senior year?


Artiola takes us on a quirky journey through her quiet hometown in Kosovo, playfully musing about the effects of the Corona pandemic, even asking the animals what they think of quarantine…

GGM Reporters Speak Out About Vaccine Accessibility — CORONA #IRL

GlobalGirl Media reporters Ingrid from Guatemala, Mahmonir from Greece, and Morisha from the U.K. were featured on June 27th, alongside world leaders, scientists, performing artists, and activists to speak out about the need for a vaccine that is accessible to all. See their videos on the CORONA IRL page.
MORISA: London, U.K.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, Morisha has been quarantining at home with her mother and grandmother, and reports on how her mother, a “first-responder” working for NHS, has to maintain distance from them to keep her grandmother safe. A moving story of how three generations of Tamil women learn from each other and the pandemic.
Adele and Mahmonir are best friends, both refugees from Afghanistan who met in Greece. But their lives are torn apart when one of them leaves with her family to go to Germany. This is a story of a remarkable friendship, one that during the Corona crisis, helps both of them survive.
Ingrid takes us into Villa Nueva, a low-income neighborhood where she lives, to show how day laborers and local vendors are getting by under Covid-19.

MORISHA: London, U.K.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, Morisha is quarantined at home with her mother and grandmother. She reports on how her mother, an “essential worker” at a hospital for NHS, has to maintain distance from them to keep her grandmother safe. A moving story about three generations of Tamil women learning from each other and the pandemic.


Ingrid takes us into Villa Nueva, a low-income neighborhood where she lives, to show how day laborers and local vendors are getting by under Covid-19.


Adele and Mahmonir are best friends, both refugees from Afghanistan who met in Greece. But their lives are torn apart when one of them has to leave with her family to go to Germany. This is a story of a remarkable friendship, one that helps both of them survive during the Corona crisis.


Lungile from South Africa discovers there is an emergency domestic violence hotline set up during the Covid-19 crisis, but she also discovers no one knows about it. When she dials the number, no one answers. She interviews a lawyer and gender based violence expert to get their opinions about the alarming rise in cases. But how can these cases even be reported?


CONTRA: Los Angeles, U.S.

Contra turns 21 during the Covid-19 pandemic, and even though she doesn’t get to celebrate as planned, she shares how spending her teen years battling serious depression actually prepared her well for the disappointment, anxiety, and isolation of lockdown. A courageous share, she blows out her candles facing a still uncertain future, like so many millennials.


Kamo reports on all the misinformation circulating around her about the Covid-19 crisis, but then meets a nurse living in her building that tells her what its like to be on the frontlines of the pandemic in South Africa,

PRECIOUS: Los Angeles, U.S.

Precious, one of our L.A. based GlobalGirl Media reporters, worries about how the Corona crisis is effecting unhoused and incarcerated people, so she (safely) takes to the streets to find out.


Yenifer, a teenager from Guatemala, struggles with the death of her grandmother, who died from lung and heart problems because she wasn’t able to access the public clinic during Covid-19.


Lularta from Kosovo shares her relatively calm COVID-19 experience isolating at home. But when the government of Kosovo collapses, and her mother talks about the lockdown triggering memories of trauma from the war, Lularta wonders: what’s next?


Anita shares with wit and bravery her experience of watching her mother go through a scary surgery during the Covid pandemic, and how much family means in these trying times.
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