16  Young women, 16 Stories from 8 countries 

Highlighting the challenges, successes, new ideas and hopes of a generation that is proving itself vital in leading  the change we want to see in the world

          We mobilized our entire global reporter alumna base to produce a video series documenting COVID-19 history from a young woman/girl’s point of view, CORONA #IRL (In Real Life.) The full impact of these times cannot be documented without the perspective of our youth, especially those from under-reported populations and regions such as South Africa, Kosovo, refugee camps, homeless shelters, and inner-city Chicago. This unprecedented series tells the stories of how the girls, their families, friends, and communities are dealing with the pandemic, “social distancing," and the societal inequalities highlighted during the Covid-19 crisis. The stories include an Afghan refugee girl forced to move from her refugee shelter in Berlin, the collapse of the Kosovo government in the midst of the pandemic, a single teen-age Mom in Chicago trying to hold it together, a Guatemalan girl dealing with her grandmother's death, and an East Los Angeles young woman interviewing the homeless and incarcerated. All the reports are raw, heartfelt, vulnerable, and reflect the very real ways the girls are living and responding to the crisis. Keeping within the safety constraints of social distancing, the young women have used their phones and basic equipment to document the hope, friendships, creativity, challenges and accomplishments, from their homes, in refugee camps, inner cities, rural areas and suburbia.

          The GlobalGirl Media series, Corona IRL, will highlight the challenges, successes, new ideas, and hopes of a generation that is proving itself vital in leading the change we want to see in the world.



June 19, 2020

Anita shares with wit and bravery her experience of watching her mother go through a scary surgery during…

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