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Global Girl Aisha Clarke wins TV Collective Breakthrough Leader Award

We are delighted for Aisha Clarke, GGM UK graduate and trustee, with her well-deserved win as TV Collective’s Breakthrough Leader 2024.

Please reach out to the Global Girl Media UK, and SUPPORT THEM! – so that we can keep supporting young women from underserved communities – like Aisha – with free professional quality training in journalism, storytelling and documentary filmmaking to create a media landscape which reflects the whole of our diverse culture. [email protected]


What is slut shaming? And what if it comes from another woman like your mother or grandmother?
This video was produced by Global Girl Media as part of a video training in Athens, funded by CARE-Community Based Prevention of GBV In Italy and Greece, the UNHCR Refugee-led Innovation Fund, the IRC, Centro-Penc, and Caritas Hellas, Co-Funded by the European Union.

Global Girl Media Greece Holds Community Screenings on GBV

On July 11th in Athens, Greece, GGM held a celebration of its work on the project CARE-Community Based Prevention of GBV In Italy and Greece,
held in partnership with International Rescue Committee (IRC) Hellas and Italy, Caritas Hellas, Global Girl Media Greece and Centro Penc, Palermo.The project started in February 2023 and was completed in July, 2024. It’s purpose was to empower participants through various actions and
means, such as psychosocial groups for women, strengthening male allies, media training and documentaries as a tool for awareness and mobilization, training of women as GBV prevention focal points in their communities, as well as recreational and physical activities aimed at supporting women with simultaneous activities for their children. The event in Athens was a culmination and public sharing of all the outcomes. Project leaders, facilitators and members from refugee and migrant communities in Athens, who were trained as focal points for GBV prevention, contributed to the discussion sharing their experiences. We also screened three short documentaries on gender-based violence, created by women who participated in the film and media workshops held in Greece and Italy. The documentaries covered topics such as slut-shaming and gender-based violence against Ukrainian refugee women in Greece. There was also be a Q&A session with the creators.


A look at the city of Palermo, Sicily through the eyes of eight young migrant girls, either born to foreign parents or recently arrived in the city. A fresh look at the subtle ways racism and sexism intersect and when you’re young, how to deal.This video was produced by Global Girl Media as part of a video training in Athens, funded by CARE-Community Based Prevention of GBV In Italy and Greece, the IRC, Centro-Penc, and Caritas Hellas, Co-Funded by the European Union.

GGM Germany wins VEZ Volunteer Award

The VEZ Voliunteer Awards in Germany selected GGM Germany, our newest chapter, as one of its awardees, honoring 21 projects from 201 applications that have impressed with their innovative and committed contributions.

VEZ was particularly pleased that Global Girl Media Germany was bringing the second volunteer award in the women’s power category to Schwerte. The award winners came from all over North Rhine-Westphalia, such as Cologne, Düsseldorf, Münster and Schwerte. GGM Germany supports girls and women in the media sector through training and workshops. GGM Germany has the motto: “Be the heroine of your life, not the victim” (Nora Ephron, filmmaker, USA).
In addition to the prize money of 200 euros, each winner received a trophy, a certificate and, most importantly, a tree planting in the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania state forest.

A top-class jury selected the award winners, including the well-known artistic director and professor of acting and directing at the Folkwang University in Essen, Brian Michaels. Board member and Program Director Meike-Corina Kühne-Schmithausen traveled to Duisburg with press spokeswoman Henriette Kühne and joyfully and proudly accepted the NRW volunteer award.


This film dives deep into thrift culture. The purpose is to familiarize people with thrifting. I want to understand why people thrift and how thrifting benefits them. In addition, I am curious to know their opinions on commercialising thrifting and how capitalism and inflation have affected them.

Currently, the nature and culture of thrifting are growing and being recognized more by society. Big businesses or people with a large sum of income see this as an opportunity to profit off thrift items. They stock thrift items in bulk, leaving fewer items for people who do not have the privilege of purchasing from retail stores. They resell these items at a high price to people who are scared of the environment of thrifting or have no idea where to purchase thrift clothes.


‘Seeing Solid’ is a film that is engulfed by the admiration of the graffiti that surrounds the walls of Braamfontein, a suburb that has a concentrated student populace. Some businesses benefit from the artsy nature of the graffiti bombings, while other businesses pay securities to be the bane of people like Solids’ existence. This film engages with graffiti artist Solid Roc to find out more about the world of graffiti.


An observational documentary on how just 23.9% of female skaters are represented in the world of skating. This led to the importance of figuring out whether there are more of us who skate, and how comfortable we are at skateparks around male skaters.

This documentary takes place at the Milpark Skatepark, and follows a girl who is facing issues of being stigmatised because of her gender. We also look at how she consistently proves to us what skating means to her. The purpose of this documentary is to encourage girls to break off societal norms and just go on to pursue what they want for themselves, regardless of whether society approves of it or not.


African Bakery takes us through Mrs Qondi Nhlapho’s journey as a baker and business owner. The female entrepreneur revisits her story from when she started selling from the comfort of her home, creating job opportunities for others around her. She later finds the courage to open her own bakery in the busy streets of Braam, employing other women with similar backgrounds as herself. Mrs Nhlapho focuses on the trails and obstacles she has overcome throughout her sales journey. As a working woman herself and a business owner, she is proud of how far she taken her mother’s teachings.


This video serves as a pilot for a Women in Boxing documentary on ‘Smash’ Hadebe and her rise to fame. Produced by GGM South Africa.


Finding Home is a narrative documentary that is observational, which is character based and character driven. The story takes place in South Africa right in the midst of the vibrant city called Braamfontein, where corner to corner you find a hair salon that is run by non-South Africans. The story takes place and revolves around the world of a Zimbabwean sister who is always seen as an outsider and is often belittled because of the type of occupation she was thrown into to survive. She came to South Africa in search of a better life but often finds that the journey is not an easy one. The narrative explores a sense of belonging, longing for a home, and the idea of looking for solace and redemption in a foreign country.


Produced by the GGM LA 2024 class, focused on the Watts Community in South Central Los Angeles. The video asks the question, What is Community? And the answer they find is LOVE…

Global Girl Media Greece at the Athens WOW Women’s Festival!

For the second year in a row, GGM Greece is participating in the Athens WOW Women’s Festival, 2024 held at the Stavros Niarchos Cultural Center. GGM Greece produced four videos of women’s stories that highlight dedication, courage and resilience. Four true stories that focus on a different background each time: a female member of the Greek Muslim Roma community of Thrace, a mother of an LGBTI+ child, a refugee and survivor of gender-based violence, and a filmmaker empowering young female activists through digital media education. The aim is through these stories is to strengthen the voices of women from all walks of life, offering the public the opportunity to hear first-hand people they would not meet in their everyday lives talking about sensitive issues, about paths of personal development that inspire, for the transformative power of solidarity.


A creative and insightful look at the hot topic of identity, using animation and intimate exploration, through the engaging eyes of three LatinX young women living in Los Angeles.


Daze Aghaji always felt a connection to nature. She explains why she now describes herself as a climate activist – and what we can all do to make a difference.

GGM Greece wins Mediterranean Women’s Fund for Climate Project

GGM Greece recently received a grant from the Mediterranean Women’s Fund to launch a project in the UNESCO protected eco zone of Zagorochoria, a remote mountain region in Northern Greece. The project, titled DIAVA, or ‘road,’ will feature a media training and documentary on ‘transhumance’ historically practiced in the region.
An ancestral practice, transhumance relates to the seasonal driving of livestock and entails social practices and rituals related to the care, breeding and training of animals and the management of natural resources. Transmitted informally within families and communities, the practice strengthens cultural identity and ties between families, communities and territories while counteracting the effects of rural de-population. The project is in partnership with the Eco Museum of Zagori:


Global Girl Media UK graduate (2019) Maia Adelia has been awarded the BAFTA Scholarship to support her continuing documentary filmmaking studies at the prestigious National Film and Television School. Since attending the GGM UK Summer Academy, Maia has been working as an Assistant Producer in TV. Her credits include: The Good Fight Club (Sky Documentaries), Changemakers (Paramount+) and Danny Dyer: 21st Century Man (Channel 4). Maia is the founder of Next Gen Docs, a resource for emerging documentary filmmakers.


Several GGM reporters live and grew up in Koreatown, and wanted to both celebrate their neighborhood but also report on how gentrification has changed their lives. This video interviews a local resident activist, a media influencer and longtime K-town business owner to understand this very complex, burning issue of affordable housing, development and cultural change for all Angelenos.

GGM Los Angeles EMMY AWARD WINNING documentary short film “Under the Scarf”

One globalgirl from LA tells us what it’s like to move there from Bangladesh and attend school wearing a hijab, as well as her thoughts on immigration.

Global Girl Media celebrates an active summer!

Simultaneous training in London, Johannesburg, Chicago, and Los Angeles. Stay tuned for reports from young women who lensing critical topics in their lives and communities. Because what matters to them matters to us!

Thankful to our supporters and funders who make that happen!


This is Yalda’s Hakim interview at the GGM’s UK film festival in 2021.


Zara Janjua, as guest speaker at GGM’s UK film festival in 2021, talked about “Career in media”.


We are GGMSA, GlobalGirl Media South Africa, a non-profit that has powerful global sisters. Our international umbrella organization was born right here in SA. Global filmmakers and journalists saw the need for girls’ voices to be heard during the 2010 Soccer World Cup. They formed GlobalGirl Media which continues to harness the power of digital media to empower young women around the world. Together we are a global force for change.

In South Africa, we have a very important role to play as the only sister organization in Africa. We are determined to be a beacon for young women whose time has come to be boldly heard. We believe they have listened long enough.

Our vision is to continually accelerate and upscale our ability to powerfully transform the lives of young women through media.

Our mission is to be an energetic, curious, passionate, and nurturing team that allows young women to learn, create and thrive.



This is the inspirational story of Sinoxolo who bravely shares her journey after being diagnosed with clinical depression.
Sinoxolo Mdingi believes everyone can be happy, no matter the position you are in. With her great family support structure and learning how to speak about her feelings, she has been able to conquer her depression and is a step closer to living the life she has always imagined.


This project was made in collaboration with Global Girl Media-Chicago, The Fund for Women’s Equality, and the ERA Coalition.


GGM reporters set out to understand the historically black, significant and creative neighborhood of Leimert Park in Los Angeles, and how gentrification has changed it’s distinct character recently, by interviewing locals, artists and entrepreneurs who have lived there for years.

GGM Greece at Athens Democracy Forum

Global Girls from our Greek chapter attending the 10th Athens Democracy Forum, interviewing women participants on how gender issues are linked to democracy.


We’re proud to be one of 68 grantee partners of the @BlackGirlFreedomFund (BGFF), an initiative of @GrantmakersForGirlsOfColor. Selected by their Grantmaking Council of Black girls, femmes and gender-expansive youth ages 14-22, these grants will support the leadership and organizing capacity of Black girls in 23 states, Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico. Along with BGFF, the #1Billion4BlackGirls campaign aims to mobilize $1 billion by 2030 to uplift Black girls.

Join us in celebrating Black girl leadership!

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