African Bakery takes us through Mrs Qondi Nhlapho’s journey as a baker and business owner. The female entrepreneur revisits her story from when she started selling from the comfort of her home, creating job opportunities for others around her. She later finds the courage to open her own bakery in the busy streets of Braam, employing other women with similar backgrounds as herself. Mrs Nhlapho focuses on the trails and obstacles she has overcome throughout her sales journey. As a working woman herself and a business owner, she is proud of how far she taken her mother’s teachings.
Global Girl Media celebrates an active summer!
Simultaneous training in London, Johannesburg, Chicago, and Los Angeles. Stay tuned for reports from young women who lensing critical topics in their lives and communities. Because what matters to them matters to us!
Thankful to our supporters and funders who make that happen!
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A moving video of Mandisa, a GlobalGirl reporter from Soweto who shares with us the reality of living as a young woman with HIV in South Africa. She very bravely talks about when she was raped by a neighbor at six years old.
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An observational documentary on how just 23.9% of female skaters are represented in the world of skating. This led to the importance of figuring out whether there are more of us who skate, and how comfortable we are at skateparks around male skaters.
This documentary takes place at the Milpark Skatepark, and follows a girl who is facing issues of being stigmatised because of her gender. We also look at how she consistently proves to us what skating means to her. The purpose of this documentary is to encourage girls to break off societal norms and just go on to pursue what they want for themselves, regardless of whether society approves of it or not.
Post Views: 1,123 -
Investigative piece by GlobalGirl South Africa on how 1.9 billion rand allocated to improve the township of Alexander since 2001 are still not fully accounted for. Includes interviews with Alexander residents and children who ask, “where did the money go?”
Post Views: 5,240
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This film dives deep into thrift culture. The purpose is to familiarize people with thrifting. I want to understand why people thrift and how thrifting benefits them. In addition, I am curious to know their opinions on commercialising thrifting and how capitalism and inflation have affected them.
Currently, the nature and culture of thrifting are growing and being recognized more by society. Big businesses or people with a large sum of income see this as an opportunity to profit off thrift items. They stock thrift items in bulk, leaving fewer items for people who do not have the privilege of purchasing from retail stores. They resell these items at a high price to people who are scared of the environment of thrifting or have no idea where to purchase thrift clothes.
Post Views: 898 -
This video serves as a pilot for a Women in Boxing documentary on ‘Smash’ Hadebe and her rise to fame. Produced by GGM South Africa.
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What happens in South Africa on World AIDS Day?
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Kamo reports on all the misinformation circulating around her about the Covid-19 crisis, but then meets a nurse living in her building that tells her what its like to be on the frontlines of the pandemic in South Africa,Post Views: 4,040